I had a request the other day that I've seen in the industrial sector, even in the world of commercial, but never in a residential application.
I have a client with a large older home with a recently upgraded service from a 100 amp to a 200 amp. If a house this size were to be built today, a 400 amp service would be required. The problem he has is that he has several large motors in his home, one for a well pump, two large AC units, a few large sump pumps and so on.
He would like a capacitor bank installed to stop the lights from flickering so often particularly in the summer during a rainy season.
Have you guys heard of a product that would satisfy this request. (he's an important client (menaing he's worth money to me)), I'd like to do what I can for him, while at the same time seeing what can be done. Any help you can provide would be helpful.