I could tell you what it is, and what it should be for Ontario.
For British Columbia, you should call the AHJ for a more precise answer.
Electrical Inspections in BC fall under the Electrical Safety Act, [RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 109.
A chief inspector and electrical inspectors are required for this Act and are appointed under the Public Service Act.
Inspection service delivery falls under the jurisdiction of each city, municipality or regional district.
Ontario Fee Schedule (2004' Electrical Inspection Wiring Fees)
Consumer Service (Section 4.3)
This Section covers instances when the only change being made is to the consumer service, panel or meter.
If additional changes are also being made, apply the fee set out in the Section on
Additions or Alteration to Existing Structures (reference Section 4.2.1).
New Service (to an existing structure), Service Change, Panel Change and Service Repairs
(Section 4.3.1)
The fee for an inspection is:
• for a contractor, $60 for one visit.
• for a non-contractor, the fee is $107 for one visit.
Industrial/Commercial/Institutional and Agricultural Fees for
Inspection Services
Low Voltage (less than or equal to 750 volts) (Section 5.1.2)
The fee for establishing, repairing, or altering permanent consumer service (including metered subs off the main service) includes an initial fee as well as a fee for any additional items (as defined in Section 5.5).
The fees for Low Voltage consumer service and for metering changes(from individual to bulk or bulk to individual) are priced below:
Amperes Initial Fee
0-225A $69
226A-799A $111
800A or greater $248
Tony Moscioni
Electrical Inspector
Electrical Safety Authority