Is there any code rule that says that you can not use marrettes in panels? You know if the wire is too short. CEC 6-212(1) talks about conductors feeding through. I never use marrettes in panels because I make sure the wires are long enough but I am curious if there is a code rule not allowing this.
The code rule escapes me right now but yes for branch panels as long as cross sectional area does not exceed 40% or something like that.Marretts in control panels are not.Ive had inspectors offer to accept marretts as a solution where someone has landed more than one wire on breakers listed for only one wire.
I think you got the rule already. The same rule specifies that you cannot use the panel as a junction box. If you make a connection with a marrette then you are using it as a junction box.
See rule 12-3034 (ii).Wiring Space in Enclosures. It is allowed except it's 75% cross sectional area not 40%.A circuit that enters and exits an enclosure in one or more directons is the defenition of a j-box. 6-212(1)keeps separately derived systems seperate or that's how CCS inspectors rationalize it.
[This message has been edited by frank (edited 10-21-2004).]