In Canada, the primary voltage for industrial / commercial secondary distribution is 347/600v.
However, you can also spec 277 / 480v if so desired.
The automotive industry and most of it's subsidaries use the 480 volt secondary distribution system.
Rule 4-036 Colour of Conductors
Where colour coded circuits are required, the following colour coding shall be used, except in the case of service-entrance cable and insofar as Rules 4-030, 4-032, and 6-308 may modify these requirements:
1 phase ac or dc (2-wire) — 1 black and 1 red
1 black and 1 white*† (where identified conductor is required);
1 phase ac or dc (3-wire) — 1 black, 1 red, and 1 white*†;
3 phase ac — 1 red (phase A),
1 black (phase B),
1 blue (phase C), and
1 white* (where neutral is required)
*Or natural grey;
†Or white with coloured stripe (see Subrule 4-034).
(4) Where the mid-point of one phase of a 4-wire delta-connected secondary is grounded to supply lighting and similar loads, the conductors shall be colour coded in accordance with Subrule (3) and the phase A conductor shall be the conductor having the higher voltage-to-ground.
Rationale for Rule 4-036.
It is desirable that there be a universal or at least a national colour code for conductors, rather than several varieties, to avoid confusion and provide greater safety.
Intent for Rule 4-036.
In Subrule (3), we intend that when colour-coded circuits are required, phase A conductors be coloured red, phase B conductors be coloured black, phase C conductors be coloured blue, and the neutral conductors be coloured white or white with a coloured stripe where more than one system is present in the raceway, box, or enclosure.
In Subrule (4), occasions arise where a delta-connection secondary is grounded to supply lighting and similar loads in addition to polyphase motors, so that the one phase has a higher voltage-to-ground than the other two phases. We intend that this phase be designated as Phase A and the conductors coloured red as per Subrule (3).
Tony Moscioni
Electrical Inspector
Electrical Safety Authority