
I recently found a product that would enable me to upgrade wiring without major sheetrock work. It is called WireTracks and it is a raceway that installs between the baseboard molding and the framing, right below the sheetrock.

I contacted WireTracks and they informed me their product was not intended for line voltage wiring because of its closeness to the surface of the wall and risk for screw or nail penetration.

However, they mentioned some alternatives:

I could use their removable crown molding product and avoid the issue of electrical penetration by using conduit behind the crown molding.

I could install a metal plate between the baseboard and the wiring, inside or outside of their channel.

When installing the WireTracks, I could use the opening in the wall to run the wiring through the studs and reserve the wiretracks for low-voltage.

These solutions all strike me as gray area because of the newness of the product. Are these solutions legitimate, gray, or undefined?

Do arc-protection circuit breakers circumvent some of these problems?
