I know, some of you get sick of "just got ripped off" threads. But I just got hit at the supply house. It was a crime of opportunity. I had just loaded some stuff in the back while at my garage. Left the puck lock off consciously thinking to myself, "They can't hit me while I'm moving, then I am just running into the supply house at my next stop real quick. I'll throw that material in and lock up."

Well while I was there, it was unusually dead. A guy walks in and pays cash for a $.60 plate and leaves. I can't imagine this is his gig, going around to supply houses to buy small stuff while the other guy outside takes what he can. I wasn't totally cleaned out. He could have gone back in for two or three more fist fulls, but I estimate $800-$1000.

I think it was a fellow electrician that saw an opportunity and took it. The counter guys never saw him before. He walked in cocky like he owned the place, and right away I didn't like him.

Lesson - you're not even safe among your fellow electricians.