Learjet9, When you say that he was " terminated on the spot" and " another handyman bites the dust". Do you mean that he was put against the wall and shot or was he shipped to a Gulag in the far north. If this didn't happen he was back at work before the smoke cleared. If I were you I wouldn't be surprised to see the same handyman working at the same building that he was fired from. The handyman is only a symptom of the problem in this country. The real problem is an addiction to cheap labor at any cost. America has bought into the idea that we have to have cheap goods and services to maintain our way of life, when in reality these same cheap products are destroying our country. when we eliminate the good paying jobs, how many people will be able to afford the services of a electrician and how many out of work maintenance types will be trying to make it as handymen? The problem of the handyman wont go away until we get rid of the cause. Politicians and large corporations are selling the future of our country for a few quick Bucks & Votes, now.