Man, some of the old timers are pretty clouded by patriotism.
The automobile market is a global market these days. Get used to it. It is a rare find to get a vehilcle with 100% American parts and assembly, if not impossible. I also say BAH to the "Profits going to Japan" philosophy. I'd rather have hundreds of Americans working in manufacturing with only the profits going back overseas.
Look at who owns whom and what. There is NO MORE big three anymore.

America is transitioning from a manufacturing economy to a service based economy. This is a sad fact for the gung ho "buy American" types. But it is a fact. There is less and less being made here any more. We do make some darn good pharmaceuticals & chemicals though.

We can blame this on schools and guidance counselors telling every kid that he HAS to get a degree and get a white collar job so he can make "real" money. Everyone is obsssed with getting RICH these days. Look at the line for the Lotto machine. Maybe I am the only one content being comfortable and happy. Blue collar work has a certain stigma attached to it these days.

How many of you can find decent help today?
I know in my area a good helper is worth his weight in copper! EVERYONE is looking for help and very few can find it. It's because most kids just got out of college and are too good to do lowly manual labor. He'll go to the mall and get a job in a record store for $7 an hour rather than do electrical work for $10-$12. Then after a few years maybe he'll get a real job, or maybe he'll realize the trades aren't so bad after all. "Hey, those guys can make some real money".

[This message has been edited by Speedy Petey (edited 05-29-2005).]

Speedy Petey

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein