Excellent thoughts guys, I do appreciate any replies as this is usually all it takes to get me going. So I'm thinking:

Common tools and appropriate use (not a big deal here)
Proper bending methods (this is a big one for some of the guys)
Planing and Layout (very lacking in most runs here)
Aesthetics (ehhh, important but not overpowering)
Team Bending (A good explanation of how it's done will do wonders)
Common code violations and text of Article 358(2005NEC)

I think team bending is a good thought to run with. I know what normally happens here when a couple of guys "team bend" I think throwing that in right before code compliance will work nicely. Missing something still but that's OK. I'll figure it out before the month is out.

Nice pipe work!
I think I'll have to save your Line Diagram handout. Good information and I know myself and a couple of the apprentices will appreciate your line diagrams compared to what our designers have been giving us. In case you care I always give credit where credit is due and if I use you're handout in full or parts you'll get full credit.

Thanks again guys you've got my brain lubed now all I need is time to sit a write.