I had my office at home until a few years ago. I only moved it out when I had 3 employees and 2 vans on top of my truck. The main reason I moved out was the 2 vans. My house was getting too much traffic for a residential subdivision and I was parking too many vehicles in my driveway. If I was still working alone or with 1 helper I would still be in the house.

As far as organization goes, if you are busy with actual work 8-12 hours a day, you won't be able to stay perfectly organized without help. We didn't get organized well until I hired a guy to answer the phone, order materials, keep inventory straight and help organize jobs.

If you do move the office, I suggest you move it to somewhere very close to home (2-4 miles). Otherwise, once the novelty wears off, you will find it hard to make yourself go there when you need to do paper work and "stuff".