>What is the reading on the voltmeter? 120V?
Let's just say it is.

>How much current is going thru you?
Next to nothing if I have on sneakers. Take a reading between neutral and me. What is it? 10 V? 5 V?

>Now if that rod is not making contact then it is useless.
I agree with all that.

>Everthng that is bonded to the neutral buss becomes an extension to that buss. And if that buss is isolated from its source anything that tries to create a path to ground will become energized.
I agree with that too.

The only thing that I didn't get was that you meant to isolate the baked out earth to the ground rod only.

My point was that if everything is bonded, then it is all equally energized and there is no potential difference to electrougly anyone.

In this case, I will maintain that the earth is not properly bonded as I mentioned before when you brought up the outdoor spigot.

However, bonding the gas line does not create a new hazard if everything including the floor is properly bonded. Every time you come up with a supposed exception, I find something that is not properly bonded in your example.

Fair enough?