The electrical ageing test is used to ensure the ability of connectors to have proper resistant value during the passage of an electric current. An inspection is done after the direct current is applied to check the intensity and accordingly decide the next step of action.

An insulation piercing connector is designed for indoor and outdoor applications.

The IPC undergoes thorough testing before being certified suitable use

1) Control of the building and execution characteristics
2) Dimensional control
3) Materials control
4) Assembly and removal tests
5) Verification of the electric and mechanic characteristics of clamping
6) Verification of the residual break load of the main cable and the sliding load of the derived cable
7) Test for the characterization of the organic materials
8) Long duration ageing tests for the organic materials

The Components of the connector must be designed so that the assembly will not require special training and connections should not be prone to mistake on account of errors.
It is therefore essential that your electrical contractor possess the necessary skillset to carry out the work correctly.