Hi Gents,
This thread pertains to Health not Safety, it is about your well-being, which should never be over-looked.
I recently had a scare with this and admittedly what I had was an enlarged prostate, secondary to a dose of the flu I had at the time.
However, to go to the bathroom and not be able to pee, was scary enough in itself.

Now, I understand that guys on this forum are of the age where prostate problems can be an issue, some go away without treatment, like a mild urinary tract infection.
If you have any issues with being able to pee or it feels like your bladder is not totally being emptied,
it is time to see a doctor.
Sure, no-one likes having a doctor put their finger into their rectum, but this in itself could save your life, it takes mere seconds.

A good friend and co-worker of mine died 6 months ago, because he was too stubborn to go and see a doctor, 3 years ago, as much as I ranted and raved to him about getting this simple examination done.

You owe it to yourself, your loved-ones and your co-workers, no-one wants to go to an un-necessary funeral.

Spread the word amongst your male colleagues, once you get to the mid 40's, you are prime to be tested and you should get tested.

Please, don't find out the hard way.

Mike T.