
I will be the first to get into this discussion. People who know me also know that I think the NEC doesn't need to be changed every 3 years. Maybe every 5 years would be more appropriate. I also think that too many manufactures sit on the code making panel and sometimes they might push their products into the code before they are properly tested. I think a product should be optional and be out in the general public for maybe 10 years before making it mandatory. The code is trying to make houses "Idiot-Proof" and it just doesn't work that way. You can't fix stupid. As an AHJ, I have to enforce the code but I don't have to like it. You know that lawyers are lurking out there just waiting to sue somebody for something, so most people now a days have to work to cover their butts from lawsuits. I just had a class from the state the other day stating that to be a "Qualified Person", you needed XX amount of hours, class room training, plus you need safety training for falls, heights, ladders, lock out/tag out, OSHA training, and safety training, among other things. It doesn't seem safe to be in business anymore.