I was asked to take a look at an old cobblestone building with some deterioration of the mortar next to the meter channel.

The motar is question is powdery and white.

The service was installed in 2004 with the meter channel mounted on two vertical sections of kindorf.

From the lower left section of the kindorf (the starting point of the deterioration) to the furthest point of the damaged mortar (about8 feet) there was a reading of 52mV

There's a frost proof sillcock about 2 feet to the other side of the meter channel, the reading to that was 116mV but there is no damage to the mortar in that area.

It was about 80 degrees / 80% RH the day these readings were taken.

I didn't go in the basement or open the meter channel but it looks like PVC was used where it went through the stone.

There is a 1" PVC conduit coming out of the ground and goes into the bottom of the meter channel that I'm guessing has the ground wires in it (I didn’t install the service).

The ground wires wouldn't be terminated in the meter channel (that's not permited here), they must have been routed to the panel.

The owner wants to have the motar repaired but needs to solve the route cause first.

Could the deterioration of the motar be caused by electrolysis?