It appears that when I posted on this site, I unwittingly entered the lion's den. My only purpose was to get a clear understanding of the CEC requirements, so that I can make an informed decision.

Mr Q - re your comments

1/ "You don't understand loading as illustrated by your circuit sizing for the microwave." To the contrary. I am aware that a 15A circuit has been the norm, but with the manufacture of larger over-range units, especially those with exhaust fans, the safe loading value of 80%(12A) on a 15A circuit may be exceeded. Although these units come equipped with what looks like a 15A plug, the installation manuals tell a different story. Since the current draw may be as high as 14A, in some cases, then I felt a 20A circuit SHOULD be provided. Some posts related to US sites state that 20A is now a requirement of the NEC, but I haven't been able to confirm, if that is factual. If so, it is likely the CEC will follow suite in a later issue.

2/"You call counter plugs in the kitchen convenience outlets and for the most part convenience outlets do not exist in a kitchen. In my mind convenience outlets are the plugs on general purpose circuits every 12 feet." I guess you are referring to my 7/. I was not referring to the counter plugs (aka receptacles)as convenience outlets but actually some extra receptacles in parts of the kitchen other than the counter area. My issue is that one electrician said he would multiple to them from the counter receptacles, which is a no-no if there are already two counter receptacles interconnected.

3/ "All counter plugs are required to be appliance circuits so if you have 2 plugs there must be 2 circuits whether 3 wire #14 or 2 wire #12. GFCI protection within 1.5 meters of a sink etc. You cannot have more than 2 outlets on an appliance circuit so it you need more than 4 plugs in a kitchen you need another circuit for the fifth and another if a 7th was required." Your comment confirms that you agree with my 3/ and 7/ in my original post i.e. max. of receptacle on an appliance branch circuit is two (maximum)

I would like to thank those who replied.