I am just curious if there is a way to change my name up a little. I have been a member here since I started in the trade and always read the boards. I don't have much to contribute as I tend to soak in all the information and re-use it in my day-to-day activities.

Anyway, back to the point of the thread. This Thursday (Sept 18) is my last day of school. I will be turning out with 28 other apprentices and starting my new career as a Journeyman Wireman. It has been a long run, but it flew by so fast. I will always be an apprentice to the trade as there is always something new to learn and do. I just want to switch up my username name to something like "GA76JW".

I was wondering if this was possible or if I would need to completely re-register or just keep my uername all together. I guess looking back I never really thought about this day when I picked my username. It seemed so far off that it didn't even cross my mind at the time. Any help is always appreciated.


"If common sense was common, everyone would have it"-not sure, someone here