LK has reason to be a bit paranoid. While it certainly is possible for an electrician to have a "following" .... there are also less ethical things pulled by vindictive or overly ambitious employees.

"Land Mine #1" is the former employee who takes the customer list with him ... then approaches the customers with his offer. He's actively trying to undermine his former employer, and that isn't right. Indeed, this can lead to a very messy lawsuit - with you named as a party. Even if you end up in the clear ... it'll cost you.

"Land Mine #2" is the current employee who has been performing work for the employers' customers as "side jobs." Many would consider this simple theft - even if it is NOT done on company time, or with company materials and tools. Such an arrangement is generally both dishonest and illegal.

Otherwise, your idea has merit. The guy who brings in the work deserves a slice of the pie. You are not, however, running a charity. Figure your cost ... then ADD his commission to the total to get the price.