I don't have the program but maybe I can help.

Simple example:
$25,000 OH bills
Devided by (can't find the symbol)
$100,000 Sales
0.25 or 25%

You neeed to go off last years totals or use this years and adjust for missing months. To adjust for missing months devide your totals by the number of months you do have this year then multiply by 12.

An accountant can give you total % for the month and year to date for all your catigories.

Right now we are at 25% OH but it does not account for recievables (money due).

I can't help you with a proffit percentage. I would say that if the company is not making a proffit (after paying you) than what is it doing besides keeping you busy. To an outside person a company not making a proffit is not worth much more than equipment and something for having an established customer base.
