Hi I am new to this board and am not a electrician of any sort. I linked here from Western Mass Electric Co.

But I do have some questions I hope could be answered. I am an avid off-roader belong to a New England Off-road Club. As a club we try to only off-road in legal and safe areas. Recently after a trail run a member of the club posted this message about an area we were in

Any trail which runs under the power lines which are owned and operated by Northeast Utilities and they sub companies (Western Mass Electric Co, Connecticut Light & Power Co. and PSNH are illegal and very dangerous. The people running Gutter were lucky not to have someone killed that day. By the pictures I can tell that was a 345Kv line, in those conditions they could have easily passed a current though a vehicle to the ground. The right of way granted for a power line is exclusive in right even to the point of excluding the property owner from use of thier own land. So even the property owner can not grant you permission to drive under them. A town representative can not give you permission and for that fact a state official can not either. I work for NU and I work for the department that manages these rights of way so I know the facts about this.

If this club continues to run power lines I will have to start acting on it at work. I was asking for the club to restrain from going there but if it continues, You'll force me to start working with the enforcement component of our company to keep you out from under the lines

As a club we were unaware of these dangers and these legalities. Nor could anyone confirm any of this.

I was wondering if anyone here could give me (our club) some more information or a place to look so we could keep the club safe and legal

Thank you in advance