Thanks for your welcome Trumpy , however I have been around for a while with just a few postings.

Point taken on the UPS grounding. I noted your usage of 'suitable' and this rings some bells..lots of domestic Nippon Voltage
stabilizers here ..240/110..110/240.. what it now comes down to is'suitability 'as
there are lots of sad stories on their usage.
While not willing to give your reasons against grounding the transformer output on
Post do you mind sharing same with me at

C-H , thanks for your has led me back some 40 years to ohms law and as I got
out my pencil and moved around the equation E=IxR I discovered that if the voltage goes
up with resistance remaining constant then the current also goes up. This brings me
to your emphasis on 'Voltage stability'.This may be the reason for problems encountered
with the usage of transformer plus voltage stabilizer.Please add any other factor you
you consider important. Thanks