Recently we were called by a customer to review an installation which was completed about two years ago and broke down recently.

The installation, 11/2" rigid AL conduit, 3 2/0 T90 conductors. (works out to about 33% fill)

The conductors went to ground.

The conduit was removed and cables pulled out, and a temporary feed installed to get the customer back up and running.

Anyhow, what I found was the condulets (LB's) have sharp edges on the inside of the fitting, at the little rise in conduit (sort of looks like a stop) where the the conduit threads into fitting.
This is the point at which the conductors had the fault. Not a full burn up (the fuses did a good job).

We have about 30 more of the same fitting in our shop and found that most of them are in the same shape. These were purchased recently, long after the above mention installation.

The question is:

Should I compain to the manufacturer or is there a method of complaint to CSA.?
These fittings I am sure are used by more than just us (well know manufaturer) and I can forsee more people having the same problem.
