ECN Forum
Just a quick thanks to all of our members and the moderators of this web site. My friend a professor at U-Mass took a look at this web site and said this is exactley how the web was supposed to be designed for. Interesting topics and a extremley well run fourm of information. He gave all of you two thumbs up. So to everyone who runs and uses this web site WELL DONE. Of course I already new this. Have a great weekend,
Special thanks to all of our Moderators I know its a tough job.
Steve, thanks for letting us know, it is quite the compliment.

As far as moderating here being a tough job, it is actually the contrary, there is not much to do, this is do to the high class of the members. [Linked Image]

Thanks to all for helping in the above recognition and compliment Steve's friend has given us.

And a special thanks to Bill for making this site available


[This message has been edited by Roger (edited 09-10-2006).]
Thanks Bill!
Thanks Bill, and All the Moderators!
That was very kind of him. We should invite him to the fall pledge class toga party!
The internet wasn't designed for porno?
I've got to agree with Roger wholeheartedly.

You are the most civilized bunch of electricians around, the cream of the crop. You guys and gals make it easy to moderate, as this is a virtually self moderating bunch. The thanks should go to you.
I agree, this is the best group I visit and I am on a lot of yacking groups. Great posters and great moderators. It is clear folks will go to a lot of extra effort to find answers and help each other out.
Yep, have to agree that in terms of actual moderation there's very little to do. It's mostly just "tidying up" work.

Thanks Prof! [Linked Image]
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