Low-balling is a sure route to financial doom. We can have an impact on quality and tempo, which is the value a good EC brings to the table. But without enough revenue, paid in a timely manner, you'll collapse no matter how fast you dance.

The larger problem is there are so many GC's who think that they can fight the business cycle by low-balling and then, in turn, shaving all of his subs. BTW, most GC's figure that the subs are making a killing. This is so because too often EC's give way on pricing leading the GC to assume that a ton of fat is larded into every bid.

I agree 100%. It is like the guys selling watermelons for 10% less than they pay for them and saying they just need a bigger truck to make a profit.

If you provide reliability and quality they will pay for it. You just have to point out the difference and sell it to them.

Greg Fretwell