WOW, I can't even imagine such a thing.
All of our inspectors are paid by their jurisdictions. Any kind of payment at all directly to the inspector would constitute bribery. (I've had them buy me a cup of coffee after offering them one, which they can't accept).
In the mid-'70s, we had an inspector who was caught in a "sting operation" in the City of Irvine. Seems a contractor set a bottle of Scotch in his truck @ Christmas (if I remember correctly).He was never seen again.

We do have private companies that, when hired, send out "Deputy Inspectors" (ie, an inspector that can spend all his/her time on your job watching the progress). They still are on their company's payroll, and are subject to the "no direct pay" rules. Also they must be pre-approved by the jurisidiction where they're working, and the "real" AHJ must oversee their work.