Except this is not an issue of someone just "wanting to install a GFCI". This is an issue of the fact that it is code. Its code fo rthis appliance but not others, e.g. disposal, dishwasher. And what about the dryer? Usually sitting right next to the washer...that doesn't have top be GFCI protected? I feel like this is more a matter of obscure codes existing and being enforced.

The peculiar part of this is that we got tagged on it again in another county the same week. Never tagged on it in 17 years and suddenly its an issue in two counties in one week. Sorta makes you think there is a general forum somewhere that many of us in the field aren't privy to.

I don't mean any disrespect to our inspectors because many of them do their jobs well. But it often feels like some are working against us and for what reason? We're not all struggling enough with $3 a gallon fuel and $0.50/ft for 12/2 romex, on top of getting beat down and run through the ringer by blood sucking builders? We do fantastic work and a lot of the time feel like we're getting tagged on rare items because its too hard for an inspector to leave the site passing it off on the first round.

Hey, I'm just thinking out loud. I just want to do a good job and try to pay the bills you know? No disrespect intended to anyone. I just hope that if I'm not alone I'll hear from some compadres.