It's 'you're' so good at it. Sorry just had to jump in to the spelling/grammar forum.

If the amendments don't say no ground rod, then 'nicely' show him the code section you wish to follow. If something goes wrong, guess who will have immunity from prosecution. If insistent, ask him how long he worked for the City of Chicago and tell him that even Chicago now requires a ground rod (or other supplemental electrode).

As far as the light goes it may be picky, until the owner decides he really wanted 4 cans instead of 3 and bitches at the inspector for not enforcing what was on the plans. It happens more than you may realize. Owners like to use inspectors as a tool to get every non written contractual element out of the contractor. All at the same time, I'd probably let that one go.

Use AC cable to fish the wall.

Make a plan that shows possible future use of the existing stuff in the wall. Maybe a computer network cable or something not yet invented.