Kansas is not that hard, at least I don't think so. It may take time to get a masters license (6 years) but, that is why I wanted to know other states requirements. I think it should be hard and you should have to re-test on the code changes every three years when the new code comes out. I just did not know how to get it passed in order for it happen state wide. I am not knocking any other trade. And I mean in no way to make them sound degrated. But when I finish an electrical job if not done right could kill someone ore burn down the building. Now saying that I know the heating and air guys why the gas and the plumbers with the hot water heaters can say the same. But it could happen to an electrician on every little or big job. And by allmeans I do not want to dicourage people comeing to Kansas to be an electrician. Thanks for anyone's input.