1971: Price of new house - $28,300.00
Federal Debt - $408.2 billion
Median household income - $9,028
gallon of milk - $1.18
gallon of gas - $0.36
NEC - $3.50

1999: Price of new house - $195,800.00
Federal Debt - $5978.5 billion
Median household income - $39,973
gallon of milk - $3.32
gallon of gas - $1.17
NEC - $37.00

info (all except NEC prices) at www.1970sflashback.com/1971/economy.asp
and www.1990sflashback.com/1999/economy.asp

Rick Miell

[This message has been edited by rmiell (edited 07-20-2004).]