Look at this proposal!

1-162 Log #1459 NEC-P01


Final Action: Reject

Submitter: Jamie McNamara Hastings, MN


I underlined added text

110.12 (D) Sharp Edges. Field modified electrical equipment shall be designed installed and maintained that users, installers and maintenance personnel will not be likely to come into contact with sharp edges.


Some equipment is modified in the field that the installer or users of the equipment come into contact with sharp edges. Often cutting there fingers or hands. Some examples are punched or cut enclosures and knockouts that leave a sharp edge near the front of th enclosure that one has to reach over or by to work on or in the equipment.

Panel Meeting Action: Reject

Panel Statement:

The proposal does not address an electrical hazard and is not consistent with the stated purpose of the Code in 90.1(A).

Number Eligible to Vote: 12

Affirmative: 12 Ballot Results: Affirmative: 12

My Comments:

I think that the committee members who were at the ROP meetings should be reminded that the subject of those sharp edges is a real problem.

If I was making electrical inspections and rejected the equipment, you'd see how fast our Testing Agency Friends would revise their standards.

Some of the CMP-1 Members would agree that the cut they have on their finger or palm was caused by the sharp edges when they (if they worked with the tools) long ago.

I will send in a comment on this after I review my library of images to be used as substantiation.

If any members here have those types of images please send them to me -- we are now entering the comment battlefield!!

Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant