No. Permits, if required, are issued by the state or local government having jurisdiction over land use and building code enforcement. The NEC is written as "suitable for adoption" --- but the NFPA is not a law making body in the strictest of terms (except perhaps by default - i.e. it does interact with gov agencies and Congress --- and where is it not adopted?)

Almost all local goverments require permits(land use and tax valuation); most adopt the NEC; many more modify these NEC Articles; and some choose to selectively enforce or even not to enforce it at all. In the event a local gov does not adopt NEC or other codes, or enforce them, chances are its Articles are still enforceable under most state laws. This subject is, one of few, more complicated than the Code itself.


[This message has been edited by Len_B (edited 02-11-2003).]