Electricmanscott said GRRRRR

I am with him all the way on that.

I recently went the two rounds with an AHJ over the outside mains issue. I had installed a twelve slot, 200 amp, MLO panel as service equipment on the exterior and used double pole breakers to supply the water pump, the sewage lift pump, two outbuildings and two panels in the main building. The insurance company wanted only one disconnect between the water pump and public power because of the domestic water piping also serving residential automatic sprinklers. The first round was with the inspector himself. He was really angry when I would not yeild and truly furious that I would demand a written notice of violation quoting chapter and verse. The second round was with the supervisor but as soon as it became clear that I would appeal any demand that I install a main breaker they claimed that the fire department wanted it. I told them to ask the fire department how it feels to want because by know I was really ticked off. The chief electrical inspector for the state board was telephoned at my request and asked the local fellas how many breakers there were and when they answered six he said "you will loose any appeal that the installer brings to the state board." They then agreed to sign off on the job.

Tom Horne

"This alternating current stuff is just a fad. It is much too dangerous for general use" Thomas Alva Edison