VT has updated 210-12 to include 'all living areas', to the point where ONE 40-50A AFCI run subpanel may be more economical than 1/2 dz 20A breakers. There is also some talk of a combo unit AFCI/GFCI, which would allow meeting the $#@% code even easier in this respect.

anyone found this widget yet??
[Linked Image]

An ammended 215.9 would allow this.
or is the end result the same???

At least it would amount ot one funky device, one callback, one part to eat, with the list growing it becomes a point to entertain;

All Kit circ's
All outside rec's, pools, outbuildings...
All Bath circ's
All Liv circ's
All Bed circ's
Any Hot tub circ's

anyone wish to elude to 2005 or beyond?

[This message has been edited by sparky (edited 12-03-2001).]