Joe, I knew you would email me before I got to the office this morning. I was in Joe's class (Understanding the Basics of Building Electrical Inspeciton) this week and asked the guestion, "How does one check to see if an electrical contractor torqued a termination to the manufacturers' specification?". I remembered that Bob Nolan (from my Grounding and Bonding Seminar) had made reference to a method, but I could not remember the method completely. Joe suggested that we try the website for comments. Thanks everyone for the insights you gave me. Bob, responded with his answer in the form of an email which Joe sent out to all respondents last night. Again, thanks. Joe, I have registered and look forward to many more discussions like this.

Originally posted by Joe Tedesco:
How can the electrical inspector be sure that the torque at terminations meets the manufacturers instructions?

Is there some method that can be used to double check the terminations?