First - if in a Home Destructo - I will not even pass through the electrical aisle... I feel funny there... The only things I have purchased there in the last few years have been cement, plywood for forms, roof patch, all needed on Sunday and my wife likes that she can return dead plants... [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

However, I get siimular questions at the supply house from people who should know better - but I help anyway... "How do you do a service calc'?" [Linked Image] Not kidding....

I am lucky enough to have some great hardware stores localy and preffer to shop at them, as the quality and service are far superior - and my City would have a hard time pushing a Home Destructo through the planning dept. (They have been trying for years...) Home Despot Supply bought White Cap Supply about a year and half ago, which needed to be moved due to eminant domain of a Bio Reasearch area - In the old location and the new location they cant put up the orange sign - and when the permits for the new building were published they got scoffed at until they kept HD off of the plans. What killed them here in SF was the closing of a few of our best and biggest lumberyards and hardware stores when they built the one in the town fifteen minutes to the south of us. Many people still have bitter memories of that as its closing got lots of public attention.

Mark Heller
"Well - I oughta....." -Jackie Gleason