Speak of it, and it shows up.....

I just returned from renewing my local journeyman card. Lo and behold, there WILL be changes made by this time next year....

Reno has adopted ICC certification. Also recognised in the Las Vegas area, getting the ICC card will allow me to work statewide without the need for additional certifications.

For that matter, it will be recognised anywhere else that has adopted ICC certification.

As an already credentialed journeyman, I will not have to take a test; there are some paperwork hoops to jump through, though. The new card will be good for 3 years, and include a photo ID.

There is a requirement for some continuing education, be it from ABC, IBEW, IAEI, or others.

I'm not sure if this is a good, or bad thing. It came to me completely 'out of the blue.' It does, however, seem to be creating a sort of "national certification." It also looks to be avoiding all the mess our western neighbor (California) created with their attempt at certification.