RobbieD, The guys at the fence hated any lights at all - it destroys natural night vision, and doesn't do much for NVG's either. Often requested that we dim the air field taxiways... Flood lighting was only allowed in areas that could not be seen outside the camp, otherwise there would be siluetting for snipers. Other than that, for all the guys who knew we did it - knew that it was part of the larger protest of getting to bathe once or twice a month - compared to those who got to bathe in luxury every night, a bitterness that was base wide on the issue at the time. As far as tvs, coffee machines, video games or air conditioning and the like I was in the USMC, not the USAF or Army. Dirt floor 1945 era tent with a bare bulb that often got shut off at ~930PM anyway depending on the highest rank in the tent, only officer tents had recepticals and generally had no use for them. Grunt units didn't even have tents often - slept in the dirt under a poncho - they needed to shower! Otherwise that occured with a five gallon bucket - if at all.

[This message has been edited by e57 (edited 10-21-2006).]

Mark Heller
"Well - I oughta....." -Jackie Gleason