I'm a critter lover. I have groundhogs living under my pantry floor, they don't seem to do any damage, and I love seeing them in the yard. Also, a lot of moths near my house, many are more beautiful than butterflies. Also have the occasional field mouse in the house that I catch and go on a long walk to release them.

But I hate roaches and spiders. I did a short stint as a maintenance guy for some public housing projects, and we had to fix an apartment that people were evicted from for trashing the place.

I had to replace a sheet of badly cracked drywall. Knocked it down and hundreds (or thousands) of cockroaches fell onto the floor (and me). I ran out, stripping to my boxers trying to get them off. I didn't finish the job, as we had to call the exterminator. I left my clothes there, but I had an extra jumpsuit in my locker.

Of course there were many times I'd prefer a rat or a snake to some of the humans there.