I have a residential customer, a married couple in their 40s who are hearing impaired.
Very nice people. They have aluminum NM cable throughout which wasn't noted on the home inspection report(hack #1) when they bought their house 3 years ago.
I went to change a malfunctioning exterior fixture today. Vinyl siding, no outlet box, fixture strap screwed to the vinyl(hack #2).
Oddly, although the switch leg was 12/2 aluminum, the NM cable at the fixture was 14/3 copper. Found aluminum switch leg in attic. It disappears down the wall and magically reappears as copper, which would explain the intermittent operation of the fixture (hack #3). Also found several CU-only devices and a melted wirenut in a j-box splice (copper to aluminum)on a previous visit(hacks #4 & 5?).
These folks need to install special, low frequency smoke detectors for the hearing impaired, and have the whole house checked over, or better yet, move!