
As a municipal inspection authority, it is generally granted that you may use such quotes in the manner you described without fear of violating copyright laws. After all, your office is responsible for enforcing Code and it would be impossible to enforce that which you cannot prove in writing. [Linked Image]

<rant on>

This whole thing with copyrights is starting to get a bit out of hand. Example: It is now becoming common practice for film preview audiences to be searched with metal detectors and to surrender all cell phones and personal electronics!! Why? The studios are afraid you'll sit in the cinema with your phone and try to record the movie!! Did I mention that also the whole time you're watching the film there'll be security chumps with night-vision devices to make sure you're not doing anything?! (So much for amore with your lady.)

That's real smart thinking, let's alienate the paying customers to prevent something which doesn't originate from the paying customers. (Most illegal dupes of films come from either dishonest cinemas/projectionists or insiders at the film printmaking labs. Regrettably, a lot of this occurs overseas as well.)

<rant off>

Really, unless you're selling burned CD copies or printouts of the NEC or Handbook, use the material as it was intended, to disseminate and enforce standards of safety and property protection!!

Stupid should be painful.