Distributor X,
... I am NOT one to preach,but I will give you my advise which comes from YEARS in the field,as an apprentice,a journeyman,and finally a Master..Don't jump the gun,..put in your time,serve and learn under an experienced Master first,get a "feel" for the jobs at hand,and soak up knowledge like a sponge.You most likely have the advantage over most apprentices starting out because you know product..but thats not everything.
..As I learned a long time ago,..to become a good electrician is to be a good apprentice..If you still feel like you need to take the exam,..go for it,..then you'll find out(the hard way)it's not as easy as it seems... Good Luck,...

.."if it ain't fixed,don't break it...call a Licensed Electrician"