I have to agree with luckshadow, when new guy comes to work with me it does not impress me if he has a 600 amp clamp meter as I will never send him to use it until they have been in for a while.

What is important to me?

ON TIME!, leave your phone in the car, ready to work, your safety gear on and a full selection of the most basic hand tools including pencils and markers.

I do remember the new hires that need to always borrow the same tools, tape measures, pens and markers, screwdrivers etc.

If you need to borrow a tool that is a sign for you to go out after work and buy it.

Not to sound harsh, I just think that you should aim your money at the basics first, fancy meters later.


[This message has been edited by iwire (edited 09-15-2005).]

Bob Badger
Construction & Maintenance Electrician