I don't do a whole lot of attic crawling, but the other day I was helping to pull some coax through a particularly wretched attic (unfortunately, this day, I drew the short straw and got the attic end of the pull..) and saw the first live spider- or live anything, for that matter- that I have ever seen in an attic. I am no etymologist, but it was a brown colored little bugger, and since I live in the same geographic zone as the notorious brown recluse spider, I was more than happy to watch him scamper away, off into the shadows and insulation. Seeing a live *anything* in an attic for the first time got me paying extra attention for the rest of the pull for whatever other creatures might be slinking around up there. Does anyone keep records of how many guys are injured/put out of work by things like stings from poisonous insects, dog bites or whatever.. Anyone else have any "critter stories", good or bad?