I had a really close call once about 4 years ago when I was working installing data\comm cabling in a building that was being gutted, I just finished a pull and was at the reel boxes cutting all my cables down when I hear a crash and BAMM a small rooftop A\C unit came crashing down about 18" away from me right onto my boxes. Some illegal and obviously untrained guys were told to demo out the A\C unit, the way they accomplished this was that they were on the roof and cut the roof around the unit so it came crashing down into a space that there was no warning or anyone to make sure that anyone was under where they planned to drop this thing. There was definitely some colorful words spewed out from my mouth of which I don't think a single one was comprehended by the guilty party's. The next day I was to go there I had to drive in my own car to the site and as I cam rolling up all the guys were outside doing the usual hanging out before work starts and suddenly I have the light bulb light up and I came out of my car swiftly yelling "I-N-S EVERYBODY FREEZE!!!!" I think half the crew that was there from all the other company's instantly disappeared for the day.