As you said, each area has different economic considerations, so on a labor unit figure what amount of time it will take to install the cans, rough wire them and finish work, on recess installations, finish work is often not considered when estimating.

Recess Can $9.50 plus material mark-up and taxes.
Trim $9.00 plus material mark-up and taxes.

Lamp $4.70 plus material mark-up and taxes.

Cable price depends on length of run.

Labor, and be careful here to include all labor rough and finish time.

Job Conditions have to be considered, heigth of ceiling, is there clear working area, other trades sched while you are working, type of construction, any mounting restrictions involved, unusual cable routing.

Then there is the final figure the most inportant your job profit.

$35 would not cover the labor and labor burden charges in my area, at $35 we would be paying the owner to install the job.