No mulet it was not at you at all It is from the start of this post which is now getting to for and against and I stated use what you are comfortable with if it is any testing equipment anyone using this forum is more than qualified to use it. Remember this is The Electrical Contractor Network and usually to be an Electrical Contractor takes a four year apprenticeship and hold a Journeyman License two years to become a Master Electrician also included into it testing and a passing grade for both Journeyman and Master. And yes I relize other than just Electrical Contractors are on this forum But I try to post to the Electrical Contractor so again what is the beef? You use it and you like it fine if you ddont't like feel unsafe and don't trust it and wouldn't use it that is fine. Again use what you feel is safe and adequate for you not because someone else would or wouldn't use one. I have a non-contact, a Fluke amprobe an Amprobe amprobe and multimeter and also a Digital multi-meter and somewhere an ols Simpson 260 VOM that I am not even sure that still works and I use them all at different troubleshooting service jobs I get but I always use what I am comfortable with that I know it is safe.

William Runkle