Coincidently, I spoke today with a representative from the Ohio Utility Protection Service (OUPS). One interesting factoid was that during the busy digging season, they handle 4000 locating calls a day!

Here is a link to the excavator manual for the Ohio Utility Protection Service, the "one call" organization in Ohio. The last page has the current color scheme used in Ohio.

Although by Ohio law, technically not all of the colors in the above manual are required (go figure). [Linked Image]
The required colors are:
Red... Electric
Orange... Communications
Blue..... Water
Green.... Sewer
Yellow.... Gas/Oil
White.... Proposed Excavation

Here is a link to the Ohio law on identifying underground utilities:

There is also another interesting site on this subject that is a nationwide effort in the US to standardize all underground utility work. The organization promoting this is called the Common Ground Alliance. Here is a link to their website:

[This message has been edited by safetygem (edited 03-04-2005).]