Before I go on, there may be other reasons for the engineers approach that we can not see, that make the way described the best and only proper way. Ask.

Or it could be in the project specs and miss-communication has us hear the word "code" not the intended wored "specs". You should check the specs to see if they require things done this way. If you did not receive any specs, check with the general to make sure they just did not pass them on.

Lastly (Heaven Forbid!) we engineers can get stuck, due to lack of field experience and training, thinking that because we were taught by our mentor that things are this way (and they never mention that it is the way they like it and call for it in some other project specs) and we never bother to go to code or the specs to check it out. (Look into the story about the wife who always cut off the ends off the roast before cooking.)

P.S. Next time you are in a code class look around, there will probably be one of us engineer types learning along with you. And personally, I am very impressed with engineering types that are at this site and hope that in 14 years (I am half way to retirement) that I can have the knowledge level that they show.

Shane P.E.