... I HATE Christmas lights!!!!! I have a good account,it's a Diner,and every year,the Owner insists on putting up those crappy icicle-hanging lights around the entire perimeter of the building.He gave me a reprieve last year,'cause he left them up all year,but this year,he turned them on,and of course half are lit,while the other half is dead.I truly dread it,but if I want to keep him as a customer,I'm gonna have to indulge him.As if to add insult to injury,he said when we were finished,he'd like his house done as well....RATS!!! BAH HUMBUG INDEED!!! [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

.."if it ain't fixed,don't break it...call a Licensed Electrician"