My becoming incorporated is a forgone conclusion. My papers will be back from the state any minute.

I think there are benefits to becoming an official corporation, be it personal legal protection, taxation strategies, or how you appear to potential clients, particularly when moving beyond household repairs and into the arena of construction contracting.

I think anyone who desires to become more than a guy in a van with a ficticious name would eventually have to go this route.

The initial learning curve can be slightly daunting, but with a little dedication to the cause one quickly realizes that attorneys are not needed for neither incorporating, nor organizational duties such as board meeting minutes, company by-laws, stock handling, etc. (unless it's mandated by your state, as you mentioned).

There is an enormous amount of educational materials available in book stores, and online, to allow even the most inexperienced 'ceo' to be up and running in no time.

I think remaining a sole proprietorship would limit the things I see myself doing in the near future.

[This message has been edited by MONOLITH (edited 09-11-2004).]